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Michigan Avenue is one of the most well-known streets in Chicago, serving as the home of the Art Institute of Chicago, Millennium Park, and the Chicago Water Tower. However, with all this activity comes a serious concern: pedestrian accidents.

What are the legal aspects of pedestrian accidents on Michigan Avenue? How can those affected get guidance and support? For guidance regarding your specific situation, speak with a pedestrian accident attorney in Chicago today.

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The Legal Framework for Pedestrian Accidents on Michigan Avenue

When a pedestrian is involved in an accident, the situation becomes a matter of immediate bodily concern and complicated legal issues. Understanding the legal framework surrounding pedestrian accidents can help pedestrians and drivers avoid these accidents.

Pedestrian Rights and Responsibilities

Pedestrians, like all road users, have specific rights and responsibilities designed to ensure their safety and the safety of others:

  • Right of Way: Pedestrians usually have the right of way in crosswalks and sidewalks. This means drivers are legally required to yield to pedestrians in these areas.
  • Signal Compliance: Pedestrians must obey traffic signals and signs, including walk/don’t walk signals at intersections.
  • Use of Crosswalks: Pedestrians should use marked crosswalks where available. Crossing streets outside these designated areas (often called “jaywalking”) can be hazardous and may impact legal claims in the event of an accident.
  • Visibility and Vigilance: At night, pedestrians should ensure their visibility to drivers and remain alert for potential hazards or vehicles that might not yield.

Driver Duties and Obligations

Drivers also have a set of duties and obligations to prevent accidents with pedestrians:

  • Yielding Right of Way: Drivers must yield to pedestrians in crosswalks and at intersections, even without traffic lights or signals.
  • Distraction and Impairment: Drivers should avoid distractions, such as using a cell phone, and should never drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Observing and Reacting: Drivers must observe pedestrians entering the road unexpectedly and stay ready to respond safely.

Determining Fault in Pedestrian Accidents

Determining fault in pedestrian accidents is often one of the most complicated aspects of the legal process. Driver negligence in these cases can include speeding, not yielding the right of way, driving under the influence, or being distracted. Evidence such as traffic camera footage, eyewitness accounts, and police reports can help establish driver negligence.

Insurance Claims in Pedestrian Accidents

Experience Lawyer for pedestrian accidents

When a pedestrian suffers an injury in an accident, one of the initial steps typically involves filing a claim with the driver’s insurance company. This process can be intricate and involves several key stages:


After the accident, the injured party (or their representative) should promptly notify the driver’s insurance company to initiate a claim. This notification should ideally be made after receiving medical attention but within the timeline specified in the insurance policy.

Information Gathering

The claimant will need to provide detailed information about the accident. This includes the date, time, and location of the accident, the contact information of the involved parties, a copy of the police report, and any witness statements.

Medical Records

The claimant should also submit all relevant medical records and bills. This includes records of emergency care, hospitalization, treatments received, medication, and ongoing or future medical needs related to the injury.

Claim Review

The insurance company will assign an adjuster to review the claim. The adjuster’s role is to assess the accident, determine liability, and evaluate the extent of damages.


The adjuster may conduct their investigation, which can include examining the accident scene, reviewing the police report, speaking with witnesses, and consulting with medical professionals to understand the severity of the injuries.

Determining Liability

The insurance company will determine liability based on the evidence. This includes assessing whether the driver adhered to traffic laws, the pedestrian’s adherence to safety rules, and any other factors contributing to the accident.

Initial Settlement Offer

After assessing the claim, the insurance company usually makes an initial settlement offer. This offer is often lower than what the claimant may be entitled to.


The claimant, often with the help of a pedestrian accident attorney, can negotiate with the insurance company. This involves presenting additional evidence or arguments to justify a higher settlement amount. Effective negotiation is an opportunity to reach a fair settlement without going to court.

Settlement Agreement

Both parties agree on a compensation amount and draft a settlement agreement. This agreement is legally binding and typically requires the claimant to relinquish future claims related to the accident.


Once the agreement is signed, the insurance company processes the payment. This usually marks the end of the insurance claim process.

Potential for Litigation

The claimant can file a lawsuit if both parties cannot agree on compensation. This decision should be made in consultation with legal counsel, considering the strength of the evidence, the potential for recovery, and the costs associated with litigation.

Understanding Personal Injury Lawsuits in Pedestrian Accidents

If insurance negotiations in a Michigan Avenue pedestrian accident case don’t lead to a satisfactory settlement, the next step may involve filing a personal injury lawsuit. This legal route can involve several stages and considerations:

Decision to File

The decision to proceed with a lawsuit usually follows unsuccessful negotiations with the insurance company. It requires carefully evaluating the case’s merits, potential compensation, and readiness for a potentially lengthy legal process.

Filing the Complaint

The lawsuit begins with the filing of a complaint in the appropriate court. This document outlines the legal and factual basis of the claim, including the parties involved, the nature of the accident, the injuries sustained, and the damages sought.

Exchange of Information

After filing the lawsuit, both parties enter the discovery phase, exchanging detailed information about the case. This includes medical records, accident reports, witness statements, and other relevant documents.


Key individuals, including the plaintiff, defendant, witnesses, and expert witnesses, may be deposed. Depositions are formal interviews where pedestrian accident attorneys question parties under oath and the testimonies they record for later court use.


Before trial, either party can file motions to resolve or clarify certain legal issues. This can include motions to dismiss the case, exclude certain evidence, or determine specific legal questions.


Courts often encourage or require mediation before a case goes to trial. Mediation involves a neutral third party who helps both sides discuss and potentially resolve their dispute without going to court.

Jury Selection

In a jury trial, the first step is jury selection, where attorneys for both sides select jurors from a pool of candidates.

Opening Statements

Once the jury is selected, both sides present opening statements, outlining their version of events and what they intend to prove.

Presentation of Evidence

The plaintiff presents evidence first, followed by the defendant. This includes witness testimony, adept analysis, and physical evidence.


After each witness’s testimony, the opposing side can cross-examine, challenging the credibility and facts presented.

Closing Arguments

The court reviews all evidence presented on both sides, makes closing arguments, summarizes the evidence, and makes a final appeal to the jury or judge.

Jury Deliberation and Verdict

The jury deliberates and then delivers a verdict. The court determines liability (who was at fault) and assesses damages (the amount the defendant should pay the plaintiff).


If either party is dissatisfied with the verdict, they can appeal to a higher court, asking it to review certain aspects of the case.

Collection of Damages

Without any filed appeals, the plaintiff’s victory leads to the final judgment, or if the appeal is unsuccessful, the process of collecting the awarded damages begins.

Understanding Damages in Pedestrian Accident Cases

In Michigan Avenue pedestrian accident cases, “damages” refers to the compensation awarded to the injured party. Understanding the different types of damages is important for anyone involved in such incidents. Your pedestrian accident lawyer should always identify and calculate your damages. Let’s go over each potential type:

Medical Expenses

These cover costs for medical treatment resulting from the accident. This includes emergency care, hospitalization, surgery, medication, physical therapy, and any future medical care related to the injury.

Lost Wages

If the injury takes time away from work, the victim can receive compensation for lost income. This encompasses income lost to date and potential future earnings if the victim cannot return to work or must switch to a lower-paying job due to their injuries.

Property Damage

If personal property, like a smartphone or watch, is damaged in the accident, seeking compensation for repairs or replacement is possible.

Pain and Suffering

This compensates for the physical pain and emotional distress suffered due to the accident. Calculating pain and suffering is subjective and has no fixed monetary value.

Loss of Enjoyment of Life

If the injuries prevent the victim from enjoying hobbies and activities they once did, they can seek compensation for this loss.

Emotional Distress

This addresses the psychological impact of the accident, such as anxiety, depression, and trauma.

Punitive Damages

Punitive damages in pedestrian accident cases are a unique form of compensation that differs significantly from typical compensatory damages. The intention behind these damages isn’t to reimburse the victim for their losses. Yet, their purpose is to penalize the defendant for exceptionally wrongful behavior and discourage similar conduct in the future. They serve as a societal statement, highlighting that certain behaviors are intolerable and warrant more than just compensation for the injured party.

The applicability of punitive damages in pedestrian accident cases is typically limited to extreme situations. In cases of gross negligence, courts may consider punitive damages, which are not granted for regular negligence and are awarded only in cases of gross negligence. This implies a conscious and voluntary disregard for the need to use reasonable care likely to cause grave injury. This can include scenarios where a driver intentionally hits a pedestrian or engages in conduct with reckless indifference to the consequences.

Malicious intent, a deliberate harmful action driven by malicious motives, can also be grounds for punitive damages. Particularly in DUI/DWI cases, where the driver is under the influence, courts may view this as a factor for punitive damages given the known risks associated with impaired driving.

The legal process for awarding punitive damages involves a higher burden of proof than compensatory damages. Plaintiffs must often demonstrate the defendant’s gross negligence or malicious intent by a “clear and convincing” evidence standard, which is more strict than the “preponderance of the evidence” standard used in most personal injury cases.

Judges also have considerable discretion in deciding whether to award punitive damages, considering the nature of the defendant’s action, the harm caused, and the potential societal impact of the award.

The possibility of punitive damages can also influence the dynamics of settlement negotiations. The potential for a large punitive award may motivate an insurance company to settle a case to avoid the risk of a substantial jury verdict.

Special Considerations in Wrongful Death Cases

In cases where a Michigan Avenue pedestrian accident results in death, the victim’s family may seek additional types of damages:

  • Funeral and Burial Costs: These cover the victim’s funeral and burial expenses.
  • Loss of Consortium: This compensates the victim’s family for the loss of companionship, affection, and support due to the death.
  • Loss of Financial Support: The family can claim compensation for losing future income and benefits if the deceased was a primary breadwinner.

Steps to Take After a Michigan Avenue Pedestrian Accident

If you or a loved one are involved in a pedestrian accident on Michigan Avenue, be cautious of quick settlement offers from insurance companies. These offers may not fully cover the long-term costs of the accident.

Contacting a Chicago law firm experienced in pedestrian accidents is the next step. Legal professionals can offer guidance and assist in obtaining compensation through legal channels while safeguarding your rights.

Contact a Chicago Pedestrian Accident Lawyer Today

Pedestrian accidents on Michigan Avenue are a serious concern, and the impact on victims and their families can be long-lasting. Understanding your rights, taking immediate action following an accident, and seeking professional legal assistance from a personal injury lawyer in Chigaco are the best steps you can take toward receiving compensation.

Ensuring pedestrian safety is a collective effort that involves both pedestrians and drivers. By raising awareness, following traffic rules, and advocating for safer roads, we can collaboratively decrease accidents, creating a secure environment for all pedestrians navigating Michigan Avenue.

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Tell our experienced team about your accident and/or injuries. One of our personal injury attorneys will contact you to schedule a free case evaluation. Remember: you won’t pay for anything unless we secure a compensation on your behalf.

Call (312) 786-5881 or send us a message online to get started.