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Interstate 55 (I-55), a major highway through the city of Chicago, has been the site of several recent tragic accidents. These incidents remind us of the unexpected hazards on Chicago’s busy highways.

There are several factors contributing to these unfortunate events. Understanding what causes these accidents and how to avoid them is key to enhancing safety measures for all who travel along I-55. If you have injuries from a crash on I-55, consult a Chicago car accident attorney as soon as possible.

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What Are the Risks on Interstate 55?

Interstate 55 is a major highway that runs through eight states in the U.S., from Illinois to Louisiana. It has historically been the site of numerous serious traffic incidents.

The types of incidents on I-55 provide valuable lessons in road safety. Let’s explore the general causes and contexts of these incidents to enhance our understanding and awareness:

Severe Weather Conditions

Highways like I-55 can be susceptible to weather-related pileups. Instances involving severe weather, like dust storms, remind us of the rapid change in driving conditions and their potential impacts.

Collisions with Large Vehicles

Accidents involving large vehicles, such as semi-trucks, also happen on I-55, highlighting the importance of maintaining safe distances and understanding the dynamics of sharing the road with larger, heavier vehicles.

Wrong-Way Incidents

Cases of wrong-way driving can also occur on I-55, demonstrating the severe risks associated with such errors. These incidents are a sobering reminder of the need for heightened vigilance and adherence to road signs and signals.

Single-Vehicle Crashes

Instances where a single vehicle is involved in a crash emphasize the risks of driver distraction or fatigue. They underscore staying alert and focused, especially during challenging driving conditions.

Crashes in the Early Morning or Late at Night

Accidents occurring in the early morning or late-night hours point to the added challenges posed by low-light conditions, further stressing the need for cautious driving during these times.

Safe Driving on I-55: A Shared Responsibility

The historical context of accidents on I-55 underscores the importance of road safety. Drivers are encouraged to:

    • Be particularly cautious in bad weather.
    • Understand the challenges of sharing the road with large vehicles.
    • Always drive in the correct direction and obey road signs.
  • Avoid distractions and manage fatigue, especially on long drives.
  • Exercise extra caution during early morning and late-night hours.

If you or someone you know experiences a motor vehicle accident on I-55 in Chicago, a car accident lawyer can provide guidance and assistance.

Understanding Potential Damages for Those Injured in I-55 Crashes

Experience Lawyer for Car Accident

If you or a loved one has been involved in an accident on Interstate 55, understanding the damages you might be entitled to is an important step in your recovery journey. Here’s a breakdown of potential damages that personal injury cases resulting from highway accidents can pursue:

Immediate and Future Medical Care

This includes costs for emergency services, hospital stays, surgeries, medications, physical therapy, and any ongoing medical treatments related to the injury.

Rehabilitation Costs

You can include these costs if the injury requires rehabilitative therapy, such as physical or occupational therapy.

Compensation for Lost Income

If the injury from the accident hampers your ability to work, leading to a loss of income, you have the right to claim compensation for these lost earnings.

Loss of Future Earnings

If the injury significantly affects your future workability, you can actively pursue compensation for loss of earning capacity.

Physical Pain and Emotional Distress

Compensation for the physical pain and emotional suffering endured as a result of the accident is a significant aspect of personal injury claims.

Quality of Life

If the injury has led to a decreased quality of life or an inability to engage in previous activities, you can seek compensation for these losses.

Vehicle Repair or Replacement

You can include the repair or replacement costs for your vehicle or any personal property damaged in the crash within the claim.

Punitive Damages

In some cases, if the negligence or recklessness of the other party was particularly egregious, courts might award punitive damages. These are intended more as a punishment for the responsible party and a deterrent against future misconduct.

Wrongful Death Damages

If the accident resulted in a fatality, the family of the deceased may be entitled to wrongful death damages. These can include funeral and burial expenses, loss of financial support, and loss of companionship.

The personal representative, who may be a spouse, adult child, parent, or a court-appointed individual if there is no will, is responsible for filing the wrongful death claim. You must file this claim within the state’s statute of limitations, generally two years from the deceased person’s death date.

In pursuing the claim, the plaintiff must prove that the death resulted from someone else’s wrongful or negligent actions. The determination of damages considers several factors, such as the earning potential of the deceased and the financial and emotional dependence of the survivors.

What Are Contingency Fees in Personal Injury Cases?

The thought of legal expenses is likely the last thing you want to deal with if you’ve suffered an injury in a road accident like those on I-55. This is where the concept of contingency fees comes into play. In personal injury and car accident cases, most lawyers work on a contingency fee basis, which significantly eases the financial burden on the client during a challenging time.

What is a Contingency Fee?

A contingency fee is a payment structure where a lawyer’s fee depends on your case’s successful resolution. Simply put, the lawyer only gets paid if you win your case or achieve a settlement. The fee is typically a percentage of the compensation awarded, ensuring that the lawyer’s interests align closely with yours.

So, why choose a car accident attorney who works on a contingency fee basis?

  • No Upfront Costs: One of the main benefits of hiring a lawyer on a contingency fee basis is that you have no immediate costs. This arrangement is particularly helpful for those who might not have the resources to pay a lawyer upfront.
  • Risk Reduction: Since the lawyer only gets paid if the case is successful, they are likely to take on cases they believe have a strong chance of winning. This alignment of interests can offer some reassurance to clients.
  • Access to Legal Services: Contingency fees play a pivotal role in providing access to legal representation for individuals who might otherwise struggle to afford a lawyer’s services. This ensures that more people have access to justice and compensation for their injuries, regardless of their financial situation.
  • Motivation to Maximize Compensation: Since the lawyer’s fee is a percentage of the settlement or award, there’s an inherent motivation to maximize your compensation.

Points to Remember

It’s wise to take some time to understand the specifics of the contingency fee agreement, including the percentage the lawyer will take and other potential costs that might arise. This fee structure fosters a strong partnership between the lawyer and client, as both parties are vested in successfully resolving the case. Still, you should clearly understand the agreement between you and your lawyer. Always ensure you are comfortable with the agreement and understand all its terms before proceeding.

Key Steps to Take After an I-55 Accident to Strengthen Your Case

Recovering from an accident on Interstate 55 involves more than just immediate medical attention. After initial medical care, there are several steps you should take to help boost the chance of success of any potential legal case. These steps aid your physical and emotional recovery and build a strong foundation for your claim.

  • Follow Medical Advice: Strictly adhere to the treatment plan prescribed by your healthcare provider. This includes taking medications as directed, attending all follow-up appointments, and engaging in prescribed physical therapy or rehabilitation programs.
  • Document Progress and Challenges: Keep a detailed record of your recovery process, including any setbacks or complications. This documentation can demonstrate the extent of your injuries and their impact on your daily life.
  • Keep All Receipts and Bills: Preserve all medical bills, receipts for medications, and any other expenses related to the accident. This includes costs for transport to medical facilities, over-the-counter medications, and special equipment needed for recovery.
  • Record Lost Income: Document your lost income if you’ve missed work due to the accident. Include details such as the amount of time off and any relevant pay stubs or employer letters.
  • Write About Your Daily Life: Keep a journal detailing how the injuries affect your daily activities, work life, and personal well-being. Note any pain, discomfort, emotional distress, or inability to participate in activities you once enjoyed.
  • Gather Official Documentation: Request a copy of the police report filed for the accident. This report provides an official account of the incident and can help establish the facts of the case.
  • Seek Legal Advice: Once you have gathered all relevant information and documents, it’s time to consult with a law firm experienced in personal injury cases, especially those involving highway accidents.
  • Provide Comprehensive Information: Bring all collected information to your initial consultation. This includes medical records, the police report, your journal, and any expense receipts.
  • Understand Your Rights and Options: A law firm can guide you in understanding your rights, assessing the strength of your case, and exploring the most suitable course of action for your situation. Their experience is crucial in navigating the legal complexities and negotiating with insurance companies or other parties involved.

Understanding the Statute of Limitations for Accident Claims in Illinois

If you’ve experienced an accident on Interstate 55 in Illinois, knowing the statute of limitations for filing a personal injury claim is important. The statute of limitations sets the time frame for initiating legal proceedings. Failing to file within this period typically results in losing your right to seek compensation.

General Time Frame

In Illinois, the statute of limitations for most personal injury claims typically spans two years from the date of the accident. This timeframe allows individuals involved in accidents on I-55 or any similar incident to initiate legal action within the state’s civil court system within the specified two-year window. This statute of limitations emphasizes the importance of promptly addressing legal matters following an accident, ensuring individuals preserve their rights within the established legal timeframe.


In Illinois, while the general statute of limitations for personal injury claims is two years, there are notable exceptions that can extend this period, especially in cases where the injury wasn’t immediately apparent.

One key exception is the “discovery rule.” Sometimes, an injury or its full extent may not become immediately apparent at the time of the accident. In such instances, the statute of limitations might not start until the date when the injury was discovered or reasonably should have been discovered through diligent efforts. This is particularly relevant in cases where the injuries are latent or develop gradually, making it difficult to immediately ascertain their connection to the accident.

Another possible extension applies to cases involving minors. If the injured party is under 18 years of age at the time of the accident, the statute of limitations typically does not begin until they reach the age of majority. This means a minor will have until their 20th birthday to file a personal injury claim.

Additionally, if the person responsible for the injury leaves the state of Illinois, the period of their absence might not be counted as part of the two-year limit. This can effectively extend the time frame for filing a claim.

In cases against government entities or employees, different rules and shorter time frames often apply. Filing these claims might necessitate sending a formal notice to the relevant government body within a specified period before initiating a lawsuit.

Reaching Out to a Car Accident Lawyer for Help

If you need legal counsel or representation after an incident on I-55 or any other location, do not hesitate to seek guidance from a personal injury attorney. Remember, although we can’t control every aspect of the road, we can take proactive steps to safeguard ourselves and others. By driving safely and remaining vigilant, we contribute to road safety. Always try to keep in mind that assistance is readily available should you require it.

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Tell our experienced team about your accident and/or injuries. One of our personal injury attorneys will contact you to schedule a free case evaluation. Remember: you won’t pay for anything unless we secure a compensation on your behalf.

Call (312) 786-5881 or send us a message online to get started.