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Free Consultation Call: 312-786-5881

Free Consultation: 312-786-5881

When product manufacturers or sellers endanger consumers, they are liable for the injuries and deaths they cause. If you or a loved one suffered injuries (including fatal injuries), you deserve compensation for any medical expenses, pain and suffering, and other damages resulting from those injuries. The Hammond product liability lawyers from Midwest Injury Lawyers will work to hold the liable manufacturer or seller responsible for your economic and non-economic harms.

Our firm has helped many victims of dangerous and defective products get justice. Allow us to help you. Call Midwest Injury Lawyers today at (312) 786-5881 for your free consultation.

Schedule a FREE Consultation

A Product Manufacturer’s Negligence Makes Them Liable for Your Damages

Those who manufacture and sell products have a duty of care to customers. Manufacturers must:

  • Design products in a way that will minimize the risk of injury or death
  • Test products thoroughly
  • Provide safety testing information to proper authorities
  • Provide adequate labeling on products, including warnings
  • Take any other reasonable measures to protect the consumer from harm
  • Promptly recall any product that has proven dangerous

Once a defect becomes apparent, manufacturers have a legal responsibility to report the defect to the proper authorities. However, even if a manufacturer reports a defect, it may still be liable for any harm the consumer suffers.

Sellers Can Also Be Liable in Product Liability Cases

Sellers may also have a duty to protect those they sell products to. A seller should generally:

  • Keep the product in the original packaging so all warning labels are visible and easily accessible
  • Inform buyers of the potential dangers of a product
  • Refuse to sell products that pose an unacceptable degree of danger
  • Do due diligence to determine whether used products are safe for sale

If a product manufacturer or seller may have caused harm to you or a loved one, our team will work to hold them accountable for your damages. We understand the duties of those on the manufacturing and selling side because we have handled many product liability cases.

Why Those Harmed by Dangerous Products Hire Midwest Injury Lawyers

There are many reasons why you should choose Midwest Injury Lawyers to lead your case in Hammond, including:

  • Our long history of representing those harmed by dangerous products: When deciding which lawyer to hire, consider their track record. Our roster of lawyers has a long history of representing victims of dangerous and defective products. Whatever your case’s challenges, our lawyers have the legal experience necessary to overcome them.
  • Our ability to serve clients in Hammond effectively: Our firm has also led many cases in Hammond, making us familiar with the city and its court system. Our familiarity with the village may prove helpful in resolving your case as quickly as possible.
  • Our commitment to take cases to trial when necessary: Some law firms are content to accept a settlement rather than accepting the risk that comes with trial. Midwest Injury Lawyers never fear trial, as our goal is to obtain the compensation you deserve, even if it means going to court.
  • Our resolve to pair you with the attorney best suited to lead your case: Our team of lawyers have various legal backgrounds, experiences, and caseloads. We will partner you with the lawyer who is best equipped to lead your case today. Expect to have your lawyer’s number and build a relationship with that attorney throughout your case.
  • Our reputation for providing unparalleled client service: Client service is the hallmark of Midwest Injury Lawyers. We treat you like family, provide frequent case updates, and work long hours to resolve your case as efficiently as possible. Most importantly, we will fight for every dollar you deserve and stand up to liable parties on your behalf.
  • Our financial support for your case: Our firm will pay for expert testimony and any other resources that aid your case. We will also handle the day-to-day expenses and obligations your product liability case will require.

Your Hammond product liability lawyers from our team may have a limited window for filing your case. Do not wait to speak with us. Call Midwest Injury Lawyers today at (312) 786-5881 for your free consultation.

Our Client-Friendly Fee Structure Is Another Reason to Choose Midwest Injury Lawyers

We understand that many clients cannot afford to handle their own cases or pay out of pocket for a lawyer. Therefore, we use a contingency fee structure that:

  • Requires you to pay no upfront fee for our services
  • Requires our firm to cover the entire upfront cost of your case
  • Ensures we only receive a fee if we obtain a settlement or judgment for you
  • Motivates us to obtain as much compensation as possible from liable parties
  • Insulates you from the cost of completing a product liability claim or lawsuit

We want you to lean on us in every respect, including financially. Our client-friendly fee structure works towards this goal.

We Handle a Wide Range of Product Liability Cases in Hammond

There are many types of product liability cases, including those that involve dangerous or defective:

  • Drugs
  • Medical devices
  • Motor vehicles
  • Labeling on dangerous products
  • Safety equipment and products (like helmets and handrails)
  • Consumer products (like toys, bicycles, and skateboards)
  • Chemical products (like Roundup)

If you believe that a dangerous product caused injuries or death affecting you or a loved one, speak with our team as soon as possible. A manufacturer or seller may be liable for any economic and non-economic damages you have suffered.

What Will Midwest Injury Lawyers Do for Me?

There are many types of product liability cases, including those that involve dangerous or defective:

  • Drugs
  • Medical devices
  • Motor vehicles
  • Labeling on dangerous products
  • Safety equipment and products (like helmets and handrails)
  • Consumer products (like toys, bicycles, and skateboards)
  • Chemical products (like Roundup)

If you believe that a dangerous product caused injuries or death affecting you or a loved one, speak with our team as soon as possible. A manufacturer or seller may be liable for any economic and non-economic damages you have suffered.

What Will Midwest Injury Lawyers Do for Me?

Our team will take your entire product liability case off your hands, and our duties may include:

Researching the Product That Has Caused You Harm

We will investigate the specific circumstances that caused you harm, including why a product was dangerous. This may involve:

  • Uncovering prior instances where the product injured others
  • Researching how the product was assembled, tested, and sold
  • Hiring experts who can attest to the failures that led to your injuries
  • Producing a comprehensive report detailing failures by the manufacturer, seller, or both

By the end of our investigation, we will have a detailed case explaining why you suffered injuries or lost your loved one.

Identifying All Liable Parties

Our investigation will lead us to the parties who are liable for your damages. Multiple parties may be liable, and we intend to hold all of those parties accountable for the harm they have caused you.

Detailing Negligence by Liable Parties

There may be multiple instances of negligence that led to you suffering injuries. We will:

  • Detail specific failures by liable parties that produced a dangerous product
  • Explain what negligent parties should have done to protect you
  • Acquire all available evidence that suggests negligence by liable parties

Useful evidence may include expert testimony, the results of product testing, recall notices, and prior complaints from individuals harmed by the dangerous product.

Documenting Your Damages in Great Detail

We must prove the harm that has come from the dangerous product. We will seek:

  • Medical records detailing your injuries
  • Invoices for any property-related damages caused by the defective product
  • Proof that you have lost income, earning power, or other professional benefits because of your injuries
  • Expert testimony about your pain and suffering
  • Invoices for any mental health treatment you require
  • Any other documentation that helps prove the hardship caused by a negligent product manufacturer or seller

We have represented clients with a wide range of injuries, mental health problems, and wrongful death-related damages. We understand how to prove such damages in great detail, which is what we will do for you.

Calculating the Exact Settlement or Judgment You Deserve

Our team will calculate the precise amount of money that you need to cover medical bills, lost income, mental health treatment, and other damages. We know that the severity of injuries often dictates how costly a case will be, but this is one of many factors we will weigh.

Negotiating a Settlement

Our first course of action in product liability cases is usually to negotiate a settlement. We will organize proof of negligence, proof of your damages, and other case materials before negotiations.

While most civil cases end with a settlement, we don’t predetermine the outcome of any case. We may complete several rounds of negotiations, working to convince liable parties to pay you fairly.

Completing a Trial

Whenever we cannot convince liable parties to pay a client fairly, we weigh the option of going to trial. Our team will discuss going to trial if it may be the right option for your case.

Midwest Injury Lawyers has resolved many product liability cases at trial and will be ready to go to court if your case requires it.

Managing Every Other Aspect of Your Case in Hammond

Product liability claims and lawsuits can be complex, and we will:

  • Deal with insurance companies
  • Advise you about any statements you must provide or actions you must take
  • Handle case-related phone calls, emails, and written correspondence for you
  • Ensure the prompt completion and filing of paperwork
  • Manage every other detail of your case in Hammond

We are a legal team well-equipped to handle every aspect of product liability cases. When you allow us to lead your case, you free yourself of the many duties the case will require.

Keeping You Informed Throughout Your Case

While we may handle your case, it is still your case. You deserve to be informed about the case’s status, so we will provide frequent updates, even when there have been no substantial developments.

This way, you can have peace of mind knowing where your claim or lawsuit stands.

We Will Seek Fair Compensation for All of Your Recoverable Damages

Dangerous and defective products can cause a host of serious damages, including:

  • Pain and suffering: Most clients we represent have some degree of pain and suffering. This type of harm may include psychological distress, emotional anguish, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, lost quality of life, physical pain, and a range of other damages. We frequently work with mental health professionals when diagnosing such damages.
  • Professional harm: Your professional damages may include lost income, lost earning power, lost bonus and promotion opportunities, and the lost psychological benefits of working.
  • Mental health treatment costs: We will determine the cost of any medications, therapy, and other mental health services you need because of the harm you’ve suffered.
  • Property-related expenses: If your case involves property costs (like temporary transportation of the replacement of damaged property), we will include these expenses in your case.
  • The cost of losing a loved one: A wrongful death can lead to pain and suffering, funeral costs, financial burdens, and many other damages. We will demand that liable parties be accountable if they have caused the death of your loved one.

Please accept our condolences if you have lost a loved one. You have our team’s complete support, and we will handle your case compassionately, reflecting the difficult circumstances you find yourself in.

A fair financial recovery is often necessary to move forward from injuries and wrongful deaths. Delivering such a financial recovery may be our greatest way of serving you.

What If I Handle My Own Product Liability Case in Hammond?

Handling your own case may expose you to:

  • Worsening of your physical injuries
  • Added psychological and emotional stress
  • Legal challenges
  • A great investment of time and energy (which is typically required to complete an insurance claim or lawsuit)

Several court cases prove that product liability cases can be challenging, which is one reason you may hire an attorney from our team.

Call Midwest Injury Lawyers Today for Your Free Consultation

You should not wait any longer to speak with our legal team. Your Hammond product liability lawyer will face a filing deadline that is rapidly approaching, and we want to draft and file your case as soon as possible. We have trusted attorneys with the resources necessary to take on large manufacturers and hold them liable for your losses.

Call Midwest Injury Lawyers today at (312) 786-5881 for your free consultation. This is a no-cost, no-obligation conversation, so there is no reason to wait.

Request a Free Consultation

Tell our experienced team about your accident and/or injuries. One of our personal injury attorneys will contact you to schedule a free case evaluation. Remember: you won’t pay for anything unless we secure a compensation on your behalf.

Call (312) 786-5881 or send us a message online to get started.