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In recent times, several areas in Hammond, Indiana, have witnessed serious traffic incidents, reminding us of the need for vigilance and safe driving practices. Today, let’s look into some of these areas where accidents occur. If you suffer injuries in a crash, always consult a Hammond car accident attorney immediately.

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East 108th Street and Indianapolis Boulevard

Tragic incidents here have resulted in the loss of lives following a collision with a semitrailer. This intersection reminds us of the unpredictable nature of road travel and the importance of cautious driving, especially near heavy traffic areas.

131st Place and Calumet Avenue

This location has been the scene of multiple fatal accidents. These incidents underscore the potential dangers at busy intersections and the need for heightened awareness.

3900 Block of Calumet Avenue

Another tragic accident here led to the loss of two lives and injuries to several others. This incident highlights the importance of adhering to speed limits and traffic rules, especially on busy streets.

Understanding Your Entitlements: Damages for Injuries in Traffic Accidents

If you’re involved in a traffic accident, especially in high-risk areas like busy intersections or streets in Hammond, you should understand the damages you may be entitled to. These damages are designed to compensate for the damages and effects the accident caused in your life.

Medical Expenses

One of the most immediate concerns following an accident is the cost of medical treatment. You can claim reimbursement for all medical-related expenses, including:

  • Emergency room visits
  • Hospital stays
  • Surgeries
  • Prescription medications
  • Physical therapy
  • Rehabilitation costs
  • Any future medical care related to the injury

Lost Wages and Earning Capacity

If your injuries prevent you from working, you may be entitled to compensation for lost income. This includes the income you’ve lost while recovering. If your injuries impact your ability to earn in the future, you may also claim for lost earning capacity. This covers the difference in your earning potential pre- and post-accident.

Pain and Suffering

This non-economic damage is perhaps the most complex to quantify. Pain and suffering compensation addresses the physical and emotional distress caused by the accident. This includes:

  • Chronic pain
  • Emotional distress
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Loss of enjoyment in life
  • PTSD resulting from the accident

Property Damage

If the accident damaged your vehicle or personal property, you can seek compensation for repairs or replacement. This also includes any personal items that were damaged due to the accident, like phones, glasses, or clothing.

Loss of Consortium

If you’re married, your spouse might be entitled to compensation for loss of consortium. This covers the impact of your injuries on your marital relationship, including loss of companionship, affection, and support.

Punitive Damages

In cases where the other party’s conduct was especially reckless or egregious, punitive damages might be available. These do not compensate specific losses you’ve suffered but punish the wrongdoer and deter similar behavior in the future.

Wrongful Death

If the accident leads to a fatality, the deceased’s family may pursue a wrongful death claim. This includes compensation for:

  • Funeral and burial expenses
  • Lost financial support
  • Lost companionship and guidance
  • Emotional suffering of the family members

Understanding the Legal Process

These claims can be complex and often require legal experience. An experienced attorney can help evaluate your case, gather necessary evidence, negotiate with insurance companies, and, if needed, represent you in court. They can explore all potential areas of compensation so you seek the full amount you need.

Tip to Avoid Accidents: Stay Alert

Experience Lawyer for Car Accident

Staying alert is one of the most fundamental aspects of safe driving, especially at intersections where the risk of accidents is often higher. Being alert means constantly scanning the road, checking mirrors, and being aware of the actions of other drivers and pedestrians. Intersections can be particularly unpredictable, with multiple vehicles and pedestrians potentially crossing your path from different directions. Always anticipate the unexpected and be ready to react appropriately to ensure your safety and that of others on the road.

Obey Traffic Rules

Traffic rules aim to keep everyone safe on the road. This includes obeying speed limits, respecting traffic lights and stop signs, and following all road signage. Speeding is a leading cause of accidents and can have devastating consequences. Similarly, running a red light or ignoring stop signs can lead to dangerous collisions. By adhering strictly to traffic laws, you avoid legal penalties and contribute to a safer driving environment for everyone.

Avoid Distractions

Distracted driving is a significant hazard on today’s roads. Distractions can come in many forms using a smartphone, adjusting the radio, eating, or even talking to passengers. It’s vital to minimize these distractions and keep your focus on the road. The use of phones, in particular, should be avoided while driving. If a call or text is urgent, it’s safer to pull to a secure place to use your phone. Remember, even a split second of distraction can lead to an accident.

Be Predictable

Predictability in driving means using your turn signals, making safe lane changes, and not making sudden stops or maneuvers. By being predictable, you inform other drivers and pedestrians of your intentions, reducing the risk of misunderstandings that can lead to accidents. Ensure your vehicle’s lights and signals are working correctly, and use them consistently. Being predictable also means following the flow of traffic and not driving in a way that surprises or confuses other road users.

Look Out for Pedestrians

In high-traffic areas, drivers need to be particularly vigilant for pedestrians. This includes being mindful of crosswalks, Hammond school zones, and other areas where pedestrians are likely present. Slow down in these areas and be prepared to stop. Remember, pedestrians may not always be where you expect them to be, and they might not always see you. Exercise caution and be ready to yield to ensure their safety.

Regular Vehicle Maintenance

Maintaining your vehicle is another aspect of road safety. Regular check-ups and maintenance ensure that your vehicle functions properly and safely. This includes routine checks of brakes, tires, lights, and other essential systems. A well-maintained vehicle is less likely to malfunction and cause an accident. It’s not just about preventing breakdowns; it’s about ensuring that your car responds correctly and reliably in every situation, keeping you and others on the road safe.

Key Steps to Take After a Traffic Accident: Securing Your Claim

If you’ve been involved in a Hammond traffic accident and have already received medical attention, there are several steps you should take to protect your rights and strengthen your claim. Here’s what you need to do:

Document Everything

Start by gathering as much information as possible:

  • Obtain a copy of the police report from the Hammond Police Department or the Indiana State Police. This official record of the accident can be pivotal in your claim.
  • Collect contact and insurance information from all parties involved.
  • Keep a detailed record of your medical treatments, symptoms, and how your injuries affect your daily life.

Notify Your Insurance Company

Inform your insurance provider about the accident as soon as possible. Be honest and provide factual information, but avoid admitting fault or giving detailed statements without consulting a lawyer.

Track All Expenses

Keep a record of all expenses related to the accident. This includes medical bills, repair receipts, travel costs to medical appointments, and any other accident-related expenditures.

Avoid Social Media

Be cautious about what you post on social media. Insurance companies and defense attorneys may scrutinize your online activity to dispute your claim. Limiting your social media presence until your case is resolved is best.

Consult with a Car Accident Lawyer

Consulting with an experienced car accident attorney is the next step. They can offer valuable advice, explain your rights, and guide you through legal proceedings. A lawyer can:

  • Assess the strength of your claim
  • Advise you on the types of damages you might be entitled to
  • Handle negotiations with insurance companies
  • Represent you in court if necessary

Keep a Personal Journal

Start a daily journal documenting your recovery process. Note any pain, discomfort, or emotional distress and how the injuries impact your daily activities. This personal account can provide compelling evidence about the extent of your suffering.

Follow Up on Medical Treatment

Continue to follow your doctor’s advice and keep up with your medical appointments. This not only aids in your recovery but also demonstrates the seriousness of your injuries.

Stay Organized

Keep all your accident-related documents and records organized. This includes medical records, correspondence with insurance companies, receipts, and legal documents. Having everything in order simplifies the process for your lawyer and ensures nothing is overlooked.

Understanding the Statute of Limitations for Car Accidents in Indiana

In the days and weeks following a car accident in Indiana, be aware of the statute of limitations. This legal term refers to the time limit you have to file a lawsuit after an incident or injury. Here’s what you need to know about the statute of limitations for car accidents in Indiana:

Time Frame for Filing a Claim

In Indiana, the statute of limitations for personal injury claims, which includes car accidents, is generally two years from the date of the accident. This means you have two years from the day of the car accident to initiate legal proceedings against the parties you believe are responsible for your injuries.

Property Damage Claims

For claims involving property damage, such as damage to your vehicle, the statute of limitations is also typically two years in Indiana.

Claims Against Government Entities

If your accident involves a government vehicle or government property, different rules may apply. Claims against city, county, or state government agencies often have shorter deadlines and additional procedural requirements. For instance, you might need to file a formal notice of your claim before you can sue.

Exceptions to the Statute of Limitations in Indiana

Indiana law provides specific exceptions to the standard two-year statute of limitations for car accident claims. These exceptions can extend the period you can file a lawsuit. These exceptions may significantly affect your case. Here are the key exceptions as per Indiana law:

Injury to a Minor

If the injured party is a minor (under 18 years old) at the time of the accident, the statute of limitations does not begin until they reach the age of 18. Therefore, a minor typically has until their 20th birthday to file a lawsuit. This extension applies to the personal injury portion of the claim and not necessarily to property damage claims.

Discovery Rule

In certain cases, the injury caused by an accident may not be immediately apparent. Indiana’s discovery rule can extend the statute of limitations in situations where you did not discover the injury right away.

The clock starts when the injured party either discovers or should have reasonably discovered the injury. This rule acknowledges that some injuries, such as internal trauma or psychological effects, can take time to manifest.

Mental Incapacity

If the injured person is mentally incapacitated at the time of the accident, the statute of limitations may be extended. The time frame for filing a lawsuit begins when the person is no longer incapacitated or is legally declared to have recovered.

Absence or Concealment of the Defendant

If the person responsible for the accident leaves the state of Indiana or hides to avoid a lawsuit, the statute of limitations may be “tolled” or paused until they return or are found. This exception prevents defendants from evading legal action simply by leaving the state.

Fraudulent Concealment

If the defendant has intentionally concealed their liability or the facts of the accident, the statute of limitations may be extended. This extension allows the injured party more time to uncover the truth and file a claim.

Seeking Legal Advice

Each of these exceptions has specific legal interpretations. Therefore, if you believe one of these exceptions might apply to your situation, seek professional legal advice. An experienced attorney can assess your case in the context of these exceptions and guide you on the best course of action.

Contact a Hammond Car Accident Lawyer

While the roads of Hammond have their hazards, being informed, cautious, and respectful of traffic laws can significantly reduce the risk of accidents. Let’s work together to make our roads safer and protect our community. Should you ever find yourself in need of legal advice or assistance following a traffic incident, reach out to a personal injury lawyer for help and support.

Stay safe, Hammond!

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Tell our experienced team about your accident and/or injuries. One of our personal injury attorneys will contact you to schedule a free case evaluation. Remember: you won’t pay for anything unless we secure a compensation on your behalf.

Call (312) 786-5881 or send us a message online to get started.